Wednesday, June 8, 2011

VW Beetle with the body of Wood Oak

VW Beetle
Celinac, Bosnia - Automotive Enthusiasts sometimes modify his car in a strange way. But not infrequently the result even be unique.

One of them Momir Bojic who changed his 1974 Volkswagen Beetle into a wooden car. Man from Sarajevo, Bosnia was not using iron raw material to wrap the old car, melaikan using Oak wood.

As reported República, Monday (05/30/2011) Bojic disarm the original body of the Frog into the wood in just over a month only.

Remarkably Bojic not help anyone, he diligently to modify his car at his home, located in Celinac.

He also managed to build a wooden car with kedetilan and precision level is quite perfect. Starting from the body, bumpers, wipers, mirrors, light bulb up to home plate numbers of vehicles.

Is not that great. With a relatively short time that he was able to do remodeling VW Bettle 1974 to the timber body. He claimed VW Bettle berbodi wood can still be run as well as other frog that uses the body of the metal plate.

Puppy to Adult Dog in 40 seconds

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Biggest Mountain in the Solar System

This is the largest in the solar He's Mountain. Olympus Mons, is the largest mountain on Mars which is also the largest mountain in our solar. Mount Olympus Mons is soaring to the height of up to 27 km and has a diameter of 550 km. In the legs, Olympus Mons is surrounded by steep cliffs with a minimum altitude of 6 km. At the peak, the mountain is a crater 85 km in diameter.

Olympus Mons

Olympus Mons is even higher than mount Everest pile. We can stack three Mount Everest, the highest point on earth, and mount olympus mons is still much higher than mount Everest pile.

height ratio between the olympus mons with a high mount Everest

Mount the largest diameter of the earth is Mauna Loa mountains (Hawaii), which has a diameter of over 120 km. Compare with a diameter of Olympus Mons (550 km).